“The servants of God salvage all.” [ GGS Page 944].
By practicing control over the nine gates, one attains perfect control over the Tenth Gate.
There, the unstruck sound current of the absolute Lord vibrates and resounds.
Behold the True Lord ever-present, and merge with Him.
The True Lord is pervading and permeating each and every heart.
The hidden Bani of the Word is revealed.
O Nanak! the True Lord is revealed and known. || 53 ||
Meeting with the Lord through intuition and love, peace is found.
The Gurmukh remains awake and aware; he does not fall sleep.
He enshrines the unlimited, absolute Shabad deep within.
Chanting the Shabad, he is liberated, and saves others as well.
Those who practice the Guru’s Teachings are attuned to the Truth.
O Nanak! those who eradicate their self-conceit meet with the Lord; they do not remain separated by doubt. || 54 ||
“Where is that place, where evil thoughts are destroyed?
The mortal does not understand the essence of reality; why must he suffer in pain?”
No one can save one who is tied up at Death’s door.
Without the Shabad, no one has any credit or honor.
“How can one obtain understanding and cross over?”
O Nanak! the foolish self-willed manmukh does not understand. || 55 ||
Evil thoughts are erased, contemplating the Word of the Guru’s Shabad.
Meeting with the True Guru, the door of liberation is found.
The self-willed manmukh does not understand the essence of reality, and is burnt to ashes.
His evil-mindedness separates him from the Lord, and he suffers.
Accepting the Hukam of the Lord’s Command, he is blessed with all virtues and spiritual wisdom.
O Nanak! he is honored in the Court of the Lord. || 56 ||
One who possesses the merchandise, the wealth of the True Name, crosses over, and carries others across with him as well.
One who intuitively understands, and is attuned to the Lord, is honored. No one can estimate his worth.
Wherever I look, I see the Lord permeating and pervading.
O Nanak! through the Love of the True Lord, one crosses over. || 57 ||
“Where is the Shabad said to dwell? What will carry us across the terrifying world-ocean?
The breath, when exhaled, extends out ten finger lengths; what is the support of the breath?
Speaking and playing, how can one be stable and steady?
How can the unseen be seen?” Listen, O Master! Nanak prays truly.
Instruct your own mind. The Gurmukh is lovingly attuned to the True Shabad.
Bestowing His Glance of Grace, He unites us in His Union. He Himself is all-knowing and all-seeing.
By perfect destiny, we merge in Him. || 58 ||
That Shabad dwells deep within the nucleus of all beings.
God is invisible; wherever I look, there I see Him.
The air is the dwelling place of the absolute Lord.
He has no qualities; He has all qualities.
When He bestows His Glance of Grace, the Shabad comes to abide within the heart, and doubt is eradicated from within.
The body and mind become immaculate, through the Immaculate Word of His Bani.
Let His Name be enshrined in your mind.
The Shabad is the Guru, to carry you across the terrifying world-ocean.
Know the One Lord alone, here and hereafter.
He has no form or color, shadow or illusion; O Nanak! realize the Shabad. || 59 ||
O reclusive Hermit! the True, Absolute Lord is the support of the exhaled breath, which extends out ten finger lengths.
The Gurmukh speaks and churns the essence of reality, and realizes the unseen, infinite Lord.
Eradicating the three qualities, he enshrines the Shabad within, and then, his mind is rid of egotism.
Inside and out, he knows the One Lord alone; he is in love with the Name of the Lord.
He understands the Sushmana, Irha and Pingala, when the unseen Lord reveals Himself. O Nanak! the True Lord is above these three energy channels.
Through the Word, the Shabad of the True Guru, one merges with Him. || 60 ||
“The air is said to be the soul of the mind.
But what does the air feed on? What is the way of the spiritual teacher, and the reclusive Hermit?
What is the occupation of the Siddha?” Without the Shabad, the essence does not come, O hermit! and the thirst of egotism does not depart.
Imbued with the Shabad, one finds the ambrosial essence, and remains fulfilled with the True Name.
“What is that wisdom, by which one remains steady and stable? What food brings satisfaction?”
O Nanak! when one looks upon pain and pleasure alike, through the True Guru, then he is not consumed by Death. || 61 ||
If one is not imbued with the Lord’s Love, nor intoxicated with His subtle essence, without the Word of the Guru’s Shabad, he is frustrated, and consumed by his own inner fire.
He does not preserve his semen and seed, and does not chant the Shabad.
He does not control his breath; he does not worship and adore the True Lord.
But one who speaks the Unspoken Speech, and remains balanced, O Nanak! attains the Lord, the Supreme Soul. || 62 ||
[G G S Page 8, 3, 944 ]
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